A reevaluation planning meeting must be held to determine a student’s on-going eligibility for special education and related services or speech/language services within three years of the student’s last eligibility meeting. At this time, the IEP team will discuss whether formal testing is warranted or if there is sufficient available information to continue eligibility.
A reevaluation may be waived one time with the consent of a parent/guardian or adult student except for the reevaluation of preschoolers to determine school-age eligibility and when a change in eligibility is being considered (e.g., change in eligibility category or declassification).
If testing is warranted, an evaluation plan is developed, consent of the parent/guardian/adult student obtained and the evaluations performed. Upon completion of the evaluations, the CST must provide the parents/guardians/adult student with copies of the district’s evaluation reports 10 days prior to the eligibility meeting. These evaluations will help determine if the student continues to be eligible for special education services. If so, a new IEP is developed that incorporates the updated information obtained from the testing.
A reevaluation planning meeting can be scheduled at any time the team deems it appropriate to evaluate eligibility (i.e., after fewer than three years have elapsed). Parents also have the right to request in writing a reevaluation prior to the three year due date. The CST will convene a planning meeting to consider the request.