
Utility Container



PPS encourages students and staff to stay up to date with vaccinations and boosters. 

• The Princeton Health Department (PHD) and PPS promote equitable access to vaccinations and will continue to advertise PHD clinics and run PPS/PHD joint vaccine clinics.

*Stay Home
When Sick

To prevent the spread of all illnesses, it is critical that students and staff stay home when symptomatic. 

Get tested and contact your healthcare professional as needed. 

Students and staff experiencing the following symptoms need to stay home until the symptoms are resolved. If they test positive for COVID-19 stay home for 5 days, returning on day 6 wearing a mask for days 6 through 10.

Respiratory or gastrointestinal infections such as:

• Cough

• Fever

• Sore throat

• Vomiting

• Diarrhea

• New loss of taste or smell

• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

• Fatigue 

• Muscle or body aches 

Please report illnesses following guidance on the district webpage. Report a Student Absence.

*Parental Symptom Screening

Parents and family caregivers are strongly encouraged to closely monitor their children for signs of illness every morning before they leave for school.

Do not send your child to school if they have a fever.

Please review your child’s school website weekly principal’s newsletter for information about reporting absences. 

Our nurses will continue to monitor all contagious illness. Thank you for your support and continued cooperation.

Parents are also encouraged to reach out to their school nurse with questions.


• Masks are optional for PPS students and staff. Those who are immunocompromised or at risk for getting very sick should consider masking. 

• Any student or staff member who tests positive for COVID-19 will need to mask on days 6 through day 10, when returning to school after the 5-day isolation period ends.   

• PPS does not anticipate mandatory masking. Though, during times of high community transmission level and increased spread in classes or schools, masking decisions will be made following the advice of the Princeton Health Dept. and our school physician.


With the updated guidelines from the NJ Department of Health (4-16-24), we have moved to a model of reduced isolation/quarantine for students who have tested positive for Covid. 

Exclusion and Preventing Transmission: Students and staff with symptoms* of a respiratory virus should stay home and away from others until: 

  • The individual is fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication AND 
  • Symptoms are improving, which means the individual is no longer feeling ill and able to participate comfortably in educational and other activities as they did before they were ill. Any remaining symptoms, such as cough or runny nose are mild or infrequent. 

Individuals can then return to normal activities, but they should take additional precautions for the next 5 days when they are around other people indoors. These precautions include: 

  • Wearing a well-fitting mask for next 5 days 
  • Practicing good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette 
  • Physical distancing when around others 

*Symptoms can include; fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, and headache, chest discomfort, chills, cough, decrease in appetite, diarrhea, fatigue (tiredness), fever or feeling feverish, headache, muscle or body aches, new loss of taste or smell, runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, vomiting, weakness, wheezing. 

Classroom notifications

If a student tests positive for COVID, PPS will notify parents and classmates in the same way that the district notifies parents of other contagious illnesses.

Contact Tracing

Individual contact tracing in schools is no longer recommended by the CDC or the NJ Dept. of Health.

Remote learning

• PPS will return to pre-pandemic policies for students who are ill. Students should access their teachers’ Canvas pages and make-up work will be provided. There will not be an individual remote-learning option.   

• If the district or a school must switch to remote learning due to a public health emergency, remote instruction will be provided.


• Ventilation and air purification , as well as ongoing monitoring of the schools' indoor air quality, will continue to be a key part of PPS preventative protocols.

Useful Links and Resources

Zufall Health Brochure

Mental Health Support

Community Resource Guide

You can talk to trained counselors 24/7:

Call: 1-866-488-7386.

Text: START to 678678

Chat here (3pm-1am)

2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline

(24/7, TEXT or CALL): 888-222-2228

TransLifeline 877-565-8860 (10am-4am)

If you need crisis support, text NAMI to 741741

Trauma and Grief Resources

Anxiety Workbook English

Anxiety Workbook Spanish

COVID Helplines

PerformCare Tel: (877-652-7624)

PrerfromCare Promotional Video

The New Jersey Department of Children and Family's System of Care (CSOC) provides all children and adolescents – regardless of insurance status - with coordinated access to mental health supports, substance use treatment and services for intellectual and developmental disabilities.