
Utility Container

Reporting a Student Absence

Princeton High School 

Parents should call the attendance office 609.806.4280 x3806 between 7:00 AM and 8:30 AM to report absences for their children in advance. In addition, a student returning from an absence must bring a note from a parent/guardian or a physician to the attendance office (located outside the Main Office).  If a note is received within 3 days, the absence will be listed as "verified". Verified absences are counted toward the total for denial of credit.

Middle School & Elementary Schools

Parents should dial 609.806.4266 and then choose their child's school from the menu: 

Press 1  for Community Park Elementary School
Press 2 for Johnson Park Elementary School
Press 3 for Littlebrook Elementary School 
Press 4 for Riverside Elementary School 
Press 5 for Princeton Middle School 

A recording will ask you to give the following info:

  • Your child's first and last name

  • Your child's grade

  • Your child's home address

  • The date(s) your child will be absent

  • The reason for your child's absence (Please give a thorough explanation. If your child is sick, please let us know what symptoms they are experiencing so that we can monitor possible flu cases or other contagious illnesses.)