Is there a cost or tuition for the preschool program?
No, Princeton Public Schools offers free public preschool for all Princeton residents
When does the program operate?
The preschool program follows the elementary school calendar for holidays and early dismissal days.
What is the daily schedule look like for preschool students?
The full-day program begins at 8:25AM and ends at 3:00 PM for our in-district classes or 9:00-3:30 for our private providers. The preschool program follows the same calendar as our elementary schools. The daily preschool schedule includes greeting time, circle time, small and large group activities, interest-based centers, outside time, snack and lunch time, rest and quiet time, and specials. Preschool classes may also participate in “specials” that include physical education, music, and outside play time when the weather permits.
Who teaches the preschool class?
Classes are taught by a certified teacher and a highly qualified teaching assistant who provides instructional support.
What early childhood curriculum is used?
The early childhood curriculum that is used in the integrated preschool program is the Creative Curriculum. A key feature of this research-based curriculum is the “active participatory learning” process where children make daily choices about their activities and teachers help them cultivate language, fine and gross motor skills, and social skills as they play.
What is the preschool lottery?
The lottery is a standardized process implemented by the Princeton Public Schools when there are more interested families than there are seats available. After a period of open enrollment, all pre-registered families will be entered into the lottery and drawn at random for admission to the school. After available seats for each program are filled, the remaining names will be drawn and added to a waitlist in the order they are drawn.
How do I register multiple siblings or twins in one family?
All preschoolers in a family are registered separately and have equal chance of being selected in the lottery. If one of the siblings is selected for a seat, the other siblings will automatically be selected as well. A sibling is defined as any of the following who reside in the same household qualify as siblings: siblings, half siblings, stepsiblings and children residing in a family foster home.
Are there any priorities for the lottery?
Yes. We offer additional consideration for children whose families are considered economically disadvantaged (see income guidelines for Free or Reduced Priced Lunch Program). Each year the district will identify the number of economically disadvantaged seats available under this priority, a balance that takes into consideration total seats available and planned annual target. Families who meet the economically disadvantaged priority based on the income guidelines may check the box when completing the online registration under the meals benefit program. By checking the box, applicants are consenting to allow PPS staff to verify their status as economically disadvantaged.
My child has an IEP, is he included in the lottery?
Children with special needs/IEP’s do not participate in the lottery. As per NJDOE administrative code, your child will automatically have a seat in our preschool program and receive any/all related services specified in his/her IEP.
I cannot attend the lottery; how can I find out if my child has been admitted?
You do not need to be present at the lottery to accept admission. You will receive a confirmation email and letter.