
Utility Container

Welcome to Princeton Public Schools Student Registration

Grades PreK – 8 Registrar
25 Valley Rd.
Princeton, NJ 08540
609-806-4200 ext. 2042
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Grades 9 – 12 Registrar
151 Moore St.
Princeton, NJ 08540
609-806-4200 ext. 3739
 Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Click here for the residency manual to search your address and locate which school your child is zoned for. * Please note that all students enrolling in kindergarten and 1st grade can choose to participate in the Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program at Community Park. Students zoned for Community Park who do not wish to participate or who are entering grade 2 or above will be re-assigned to an alternate elementary school.

  •  Any student who registers after August 11th may not have transportation until September 23rd, but are still eligible to start school on the first day under their own transportation.
  • Any student who registers August 29th through September 2nd may not start school on the first day and will not have transportation.


Dual Language Immersion Welcomes Kindergarten and First Grade Applicants for 2025

The CP Dual Language Immersion program is open to all PPS incoming Kindergarten, and 1st grade students.  Families who are registering a child in these grades in Fall 2025 and are interested in the DLI program should indicate their interest on the online registration “Form H, Home Language Survey” page.

Attendance at a parent information session is a pre-requisite for entry to the program - DLI applications will be provided to families who attend these information sessions.

Upcoming Parent Information Sessions:

  • Thursday, March 13, 9:00 AM at Community Park School APR
  • Wednesday, March 19, 6:00 PM at Community Park School APR

Attendance at a parent information session is a pre-requisite for entry to the program, including for families that have attended information sessions in previous years and/or who already have a child in the program.

Please contact the Community Park main office (609.806.4230 or for more details.

How to Register Your Child for School

To register your child in the Princeton Public School District, you will start by completing our Pre-registration form.  Once approved, you will receive a follow-up email with instructions on how to complete our online registration forms.  If your child/ren have been previously enrolled in school, please complete a Records Release Request Form, and upload or mail as part of your registration process.  If you do not have access to a computer, please visit the Princeton Public Library or call the registrar at 609-806-4203, ext. 2042, to access the online registration.

Registration Requirements

1 - Child’s original birth certificate, visa, or passport

2 - Proofs of Residency

  • Primary Document
-Own Home – Deed, tax bill, or closing documents
-Rent Home – Executed lease with signatures and expiration date
-University Housing Letter
-Seminary Housing Letter
-Notarized Affidavit of Residency (rent without lease)
  • 3 Secondary Documents
-Any 3 utility bills (gas, water, electric, phone bill, etc.)
-Pay Stub
-Car registration
-Any Insurance Documents
  • OTHER – Living with family, friend, or homeless

-Notarized affidavit of residence – Owner of the home must attend a registration meeting with the parent/guardian of registrant. An appointment must be scheduled with the grade level appropriate registrar. Owner of the home providing the affidavit must provide a primary document and 3 secondary documents.

3 - Immunization Register

4 - Physical Form

5 - Records release form

6 - Transcripts for grades 9-12

7 - If applicable:

  • Standardized test scores
  • IEP/504
  • All custody, legal, or placement documentation