Subject Area Search Tools
- Artstor
- The Met
- Archi(tecture)pedia
- Artcyclopedia
- Ask Art
- Google Art Project/Cultural Institute
- Web Gallery of Art
- Freer/Sackler (Smithsonian) Digital Exhibit
- Art LibGuide (MercyHurst)
- Smithsonian Collections
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- Accounting and Taxation
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- Economics
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- BrightTALK
- Mercyhurst
- Practical Money Skills
- What is a FICO Score?
- Banzai! Online Financial Literacy
Community Help Resources
- 2nd Floor Youth Helpline (24/7/365): 1-888-222-2228
- Trevor Lifeline (24/7/365): 1-866-488-7386
- HiTops
- Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice
- PFLAG/TNET of Princeton
- Garden State Equality
- Suicide Prev Hotline (24/7/365): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
- Princeton Resources
- Princeton Community Resources
- Inklewriter
- OWL Purdue Online Writing Lab
- Bartleby Great Books
- Drama Websites
- Booktalks
- Digital Public Library of America
- Literature Map
- New York Review of Books
- Smart Words
- The Best of Humanities
- The Folger Library (Shakespeare)
- African American Women Writers of the 19th Century
- American Mathematical Society
- Wolfram Alpha
- BE Online Statistics
- X, the moonshot factory
- Vihart Youtube Channel
- w3schools
- Free Code Camp
- Mozilla Developer Network
- JQuery Quick API Reference
- IXL Math Practice
- 3Blue 1Brown
- Codecademy
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- Chegg Study: Computer Science
- Khan Academy
- jQuery
- W3 JavaScript
- Desmos Graphing Calculator
- Math Association of America
- Meta Calculator
- Get the Math
Music/Performing Arts
- Music Treasures Consortium
- British Library Printed Music
- IMSLP Public Domain sheet music
- MusOpen Public Domain sheet music
- Resource for recorded music
- Leeds Conservatoire Music Theory
- Some links sites for music
- MusicTheory
- Music LibGuide (MercyHurst)
- Digital Archives of the NY Philharmonic
- AudioSauna
- Beatlab
- British Library: Music
- UCSB Cylinder Audio Archive
- International Music Score Library Project
- Choral Public Domain Library
- ArtsEdge
- The Playwrights' Center Playwriting Toolkit
- Medline Plus
- The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Go Ask Alice!
- Rutgers H.O.P.E.(Health Outreach Promotion and Education)
- HRC's Welcoming Schools
- LGBTQ+ Terminology (Swarthmore College)
- LGBTQ+ Terminology (It Gets Better)
- One National Gay and Lesbian Archives
- World Health Organization
- LA Times Guide to the Internet- COVID ed
- Mind the Moment (mindfulness and meditation)
- Mercyhurst Exercise Science Library
- KidsHealth (teen section)
- Let's Move! (archived website)
- Disaster Preparedness
- 10+ Helpful College Websites
- Quiz: How do you pick your dream job?
- Career Aptitude Test
- VIA Institute on Character
- Bureau of Labor Statistics for Students
- Occupational Outlook Handbook
- Career One Stop Toolkit
- Writing a resumé
- Federal Student Aid
- NJ Career Access Navigator (NJCAN)
- American Museum of Natural History
- Understanding Science
- PhET Interactive Simulations
- American Chemical Society
- PTable (interactive periodic table)
- Environmental Research Web
- Bioethics Resources
- Green.TV
- Biodiversity Project
- Understanding Evolution
- Planting Science
- U.S. EPA
- Inner Body
- SciStarter
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Google Dataset Search
- The Brain Scoop
Social Studies/World Language
- Stanford Civic Online Reasoning
- NY Public Library Digital Collections
- 30 Unique World Maps
- Maps That Changed Our World
- Interactive Constitution
- Government Publications
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Best of History Websites
- Gilder Lehrman Institute
- Library of Congress
- National Museum of African American History and Culture
- World History Timeline (LOC)
- Benjamin Franklin Papers
- Historically Black Newspapers
- Federal Courts Web Archive
- Government Document Resources - Princeton University
- The Avalon Project - Documents in Law, History, and Diplomacy
- National Archives
- Mercyhurst - American Government
- Primary Sources - Digital Public Library of America
- National Museum of the American Indian
- South Asian American Digital Archive
- Sources and Resources on Latin America
- Shoa Foundation - Stories of Holocaust Survivors
- Slavery in America and the World
- African-American Places, Culture and History
- Mercyhurst - History
- Mercyhurst - Women's History and Women's Studies
- Colonial North America at Harvard Library
- Best of Humanities on the Web
- American Panorama
- One National Gay and Lesbian Archives
- Historical Society of Princeton
- Genocide Prevention
- Old Maps Online
- AP World/World Guide(Freeman-Pedia)
- Unesco
- GapMinder Data of the World
- Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection
- The World Factbook
- Google's Open Heritage
- Rick Steves' Classroom Europe
- U.S. Supreme Court
- Ken Burns- In the Classroom
- Mango Languages(through the Princeton Public Library)
- Live Lingua
- LingQ
- Perseus Classics Library
- Mercyhurst World Languages and Cultures
- Centre de la Francophonie des Ameriques
- Bibliotheque des Ameriques