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Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Information

The Princeton Public Schools are committed to exceeding the expectations set forth in the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights and to creating an environment of safety and respect for every student and adult. We look forward to increasing the articulation between our administrators at the middle school and high school regarding responses to incidents of HIB and strategies for reducing them. We are also hopeful that our efforts to make diversity and racial literacy central to our work as a school district will continue to enhance access, engagement, and a sense of belonging for all students.

View the Board of Education HIB Policy

Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying (HIB) Information for PPS Parents


School Anti-Bullying Specialists

Princeton High School
Diana Lygas, Dean of Students
609.806.4280 ext. 3538
Princeton Middle School
Vanessa Bernal, School Counselor 
609.806.4270ext. 5525
Angelo Costagliola
609.806.4270 ext. 5511
Sharon DiSebastian, School Counselor
609.806.4270 ext. 5511



Community Park School
Elizabeth Cameron, School Counselor
609.806.4230 ext. 6181
Johnson Park School
Kristin Whitmore, School Counselor
609.806.4240 ext. 6381
Littlebrook School
Jennifer Walters, School Counselor
609.806.4250 ext. 6581
Riverside School
Ben Samara, School Counselor
609.806.4260 ext. 6724

Princeton Public Schools HIB Grades

The 2021-2022 Harassment Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) grades posted below were determined through a self-assessment created by the New Jersey Department of Education and completed by each School Safety Team. Based upon the measures outlined in the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights, there were eight elements factored into the score of each school. A maximum score of 78 would indicate the school “exceeds” expectations for each element. A score of 52 would indicate a school “meets” all state requirements. The district grade is an average of the scores for each school.

HIB District and School Grade Report Card

Princeton High School

HIB Programs, Approaches, or Other Initiatives (Max=15): 5
Training on the BOE-Approved HIB Policy (Max=9): 6
Other Staff Instruction and Training Programs (Max=15): 9
Curriculum and Instruction on
HIB and Related Information and Skills (Max=6): 3
HIB Personnel (Max=9): 7
School-Level HIB Reporting Procedure (Max=6): 3
HIB Investigative Procedure (Max=12): 7
HIB Reporting (Max=6): 6
School Grade (Max=78): 46
Princeton Middle School
HIB Programs, Approaches, or Other Initiatives (Max=15): 13
Training on the BOE-Approved HIB Policy (Max=9): 6
Other Staff Instruction and Training Programs (Max=15): 14
Curriculum and Instruction on
HIB and Related Information and Skills (Max=6): 4
HIB Personnel (Max=9): 7
School-Level HIB Reporting Procedure (Max=6): 4
HIB Investigative Procedure (Max=12): 11
HIB Reporting (Max=6): 6
School Grade (Max=78): 65
Community Park School
HIB Programs, Approaches, or Other Initiatives (Max=15): 13
Training on the BOE-Approved HIB Policy (Max=9): 7
Other Staff Instruction and Training Programs (Max=15): 12
Curriculum and Instruction on
HIB and Related Information and Skills (Max=6): 5
HIB Personnel (Max=9): 7
School-Level HIB Reporting Procedure (Max=6): 6
HIB Investigative Procedure (Max=12): 12
HIB Reporting (Max=6): 6
School Grade (Max=78): 68
Johnson Park School
HIB Programs, Approaches, or Other Initiatives (Max=15): 15
Training on the BOE-Approved HIB Policy (Max=9): 9
Other Staff Instruction and Training Programs (Max=15): 15
Curriculum and Instruction on
HIB and Related Information and Skills (Max=6): 6
HIB Personnel (Max=9): 9
School-Level HIB Reporting Procedure (Max=6): 6
HIB Investigative Procedure (Max=12): 12
HIB Reporting (Max=6): 6
School Grade (Max=78): 78
Littlebrook School
HIB Programs, Approaches, or Other Initiatives (Max=15): 15
Training on the BOE-Approved HIB Policy (Max=9): 9
Other Staff Instruction and Training Programs (Max=15): 15
Curriculum and Instruction on
HIB and Related Information and Skills (Max=6): 6
HIB Personnel (Max=9): 9
School-Level HIB Reporting Procedure (Max=6): 5
HIB Investigative Procedure (Max=12): 12
HIB Reporting (Max=6): 6
School Grade (Max=78): 77
Riverside School
HIB Programs, Approaches, or Other Initiatives (Max=15): 13
Training on the BOE-Approved HIB Policy (Max=9): 8
Other Staff Instruction and Training Programs (Max=15): 11
Curriculum and Instruction on
HIB and Related Information and Skills (Max=6): 6
HIB Personnel (Max=9): 8
School-Level HIB Reporting Procedure (Max=6): 6
HIB Investigative Procedure (Max=12): 12
HIB Reporting (Max=6): 6
School Grade (Max=78): 70
HIB Background 
Beginning in September of the 2011-2012 school year, the Princeton Public Schools have conscientiously implemented the requirements found in the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act. Building on a long-standing focus on positive school culture, our district took steps to train all staff to identify, report, and address bullying behaviors in a timely fashion. We also took measures to educate parents, students, members of the Board of Education and of the community regarding definitions of bullying and expectations regarding respectful behavior.
In analyzing our Self-Assessment, we identified the following areas of strength:
  • Annual training of staff, including all new employees
  • Timely reporting and investigation of incidents
  • Regular meetings of School Safety Teams
  • Activities in each school during Week of Respect 
  • The implementation of approaches such as ongoing character education and Responsive Classroom to create a school-wide culture of respect 
  • Notification of parents of both alleged offenders and alleged targets 
  • Support from community partners in providing leadership training and individual counseling  
Areas for Enhancement
In analyzing our Self-Assessment, we identified the following areas for focus:
  • Annual surveys of students to gather data about bullying behaviors and the effectiveness of programs and interventions
  • Training on HIB policy for contracted workers and volunteers
Next Steps
The Princeton Public Schools are committed to exceeding the expectations set forth in the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights and to creating an environment of safety and respect for every student and adult.  We look forward to increasing the articulation between our administrators at the middle school and high school regarding responses to incidents of HIB and strategies for reducing them. We are also hopeful that our efforts to make diversity and racial literacy central to our work as a school district will continue to enhance access, engagement, and a sense of belonging for all students.



Resources for Parents/Guardians

If you think your child may be being bullied, please contact your child's principal. 

HIB Forms


Department of Education Parent Guidance Document

District Anti-Bullying Coordinator
John McMichael

School Climate State Coordinator Contact info