Staff Technology Resources
What is PPS Link?
PPS Link manages usernames and passwords for district technology. Once you sign in to PPS Link, you will have instant access to all the essential systems the district uses with one login.
How can I start using PPS Link?
Follow this link. Then use your network login. Your network login should be your first and last name without a space. Example: John Smith = johnsmith Your password should have been set the first time you logged into a district computer. If you do not know your password and can not login, have your teacher contact the building technical assistant, or if you are not in school e-mail support here.
District-Wide Resources
New York Times
Every staff member and student can get a digital subscription to the New York Times:
You need to initially sign up inside a school district building using a device connected to the school network. Once you sign up, you can access it from anywhere, including the NYT app!
If you had a subscription in the past, but it doesn’t work anymore, you have to renew it each year. Clicking on the link will enable you to re-enroll.
Runs 1851-present
At the high school, the NYT is also available via Search Everything on the Learning Commons website- widget on the right side of the results page. This allows you to sign up from anywhere, anytime.
For works cited, citations, virtual note cards, and an outline maker go to NoodleTools while in a district building, connected to district wifi (at the high school, you can go via the NoodleTools link on the Research and Writing Tools page of the Learning Commons site and use your email and password to access from anywhere, anytime).
All teachers can have accounts that allow students to digitally submit.
MLA, Chicago, and APA are all available.
If a student can do basic research and basic writing, they can use NoodleTools. Every student can have an account.
OverDrive Audiobooks and eBooks
Download the Sora or OverDrive app to your electronic device.
Add your school to your “library”.
Go to SSO and log in using your district email and password.
Adult, Young Adult, and Juvenile levels are set by your password so elementary students would not see the high school titles. High school students and all adults can see all titles.
Princeton Public Library
All students and all adults in the district can get a Princeton Public Library card and access all of their resources, which are excellent!
Princeton High School
Turn It In
Turnitin is available as a plagiarism check, digital citizenship teacher, and digital rubric/grading platform. If you don’t have an account, see Jen Bigioni so she can set you up.
Learning Commons Website
Via the Search Everything box, everyone assigned to the high school can access the plethora of proprietary resources available, for example: the EBSCO suite, ArtStor, Points of View Reference Center, the OED, JSTOR, ABC-CLIO, the Gale suite, the Oxford Suite, Referencia Latina, Teacher Resource Center, Encyclopedia Britannica, etc.
Search Everything requires a sign in using your school email and password. Because of the single search and sign in, the resources can be accessed from anywhere 24/7/365.
Follett Destiny is our online catalog for everything we own. Access via the Follett Destiny tab in the search box, or connect here.
NoveList can be accessed via the tab in the search box, password protected like Search Everything. It is a reader’s advisory site, recommending books to read based on previously liked books or authors.
Princeton Middle School
For logins & passwords please see the PMS Learning Commons page in Canvas or check Princeton Middle School News in Outlook.
Gale In Context: Middle School
- Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts & Music, Health, and Technology. (Temporary, at least 30 days as of 3/12/20)
Britannica School
- An online encyclopedia leveled by elementary, middle and high school reading levels. Middle and high school level articles link to Google translate.
Destiny Discover
- Our online library catalog of books and other materials in the Learning Commons. The “Collections” feature shows digital resource lists for various genres, topics and assignments. Please let me know if you’d like me to create a collection for an area of study or interest.
- Log in to your personal account with your PPS computer login/password combination.
Explora: Secondary School Version
- A general research database designed to support secondary education. Articles can be filtered by resource type and reading levels.
Novelist K-8
- A reader’s advisory tool students can use to find good books to read.
- Points of View Reference Center
- A database of resources that present multiple sides of an issue with content to help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues, and develop analytical thinking skills.
Community Park
Brain Pop/ Brain Pop- Spanish (access through PPS Link)
Johnson Park
Brain Pop/ Brain Pop- Spanish (access through PPS Link)
Reading A to Z (Raz Kids): AIS and ESL only
Reading A to Z (Raz Kids): AIS, ESL, and Special Education only
Reading A to Z (Raz Kids): AIS only