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Message From the Superintendent

Message from the Superintendent

A new phase of growth is upon us, which has prompted me to set this year’s theme as Healing, Helping and Hope. We will go further by leaning on each other, and we’ve been doing just that. From our students creating inspirational notes on their school bulletin boards to encourage their learning communities, educators working collaboratively to foster innovative teaching strategies, and even our adoption of an emotional support dog (Hi, Tiger!) to help our elementary students and staff de-stress, Princeton Public Schools is helping our fellow Princetonians heal after an unprecedented three years. 

Our interconnectedness is due, in part, to our leadership through the Board of Education which works collaboratively to support all our students and what makes them unique. More than tolerance is acceptance and nurturing differences and experiences to ensure students feel a sense of belonging to thrive. Every student deserves opportunities to be seen and to succeed. 

The strategic planning process has been enlightening as we determine our guiding principles and soon, equity-centered strategies to address our district’s vision and stakeholders’ concerns from staff, families and students. 

I continue to share our primary overall goal which is to always add to opportunities and pathways for students to be fulfilled and advance, if they choose, especially if barriers are present, but never to eliminate them. Princeton has long been a place where all are able to thrive, and this will continue as we lift everyone up where needed. 

We’re excited to share the final strategic plan by year-end, but we are careful to take the necessary time to ensure all feedback is considered. Our children are depending on us for meaningful results, and that remains the center of our work.

In Partnership,

Dr. Carol Kelley
Superintendent of Schools