About Littlebrook Elementary
Littlebrook School is a community of learners pursuing academic excellence and the development of creativity, responsibility and respect. We recognize the importance of today's essential aptitudes for living successfully in a global society. Diversity within our school provides students with opportunities to recognize and to use each other's strengths while reaching for success and happiness. Littlebrook's beloved giraffe mascot, Ravioli, reminds us all of the importance of sticking our necks out for others by being caring and kind. Each morning, the day begins with a Morning Meeting, where students in every classroom greet each other with sincere words and eye contact and make personal connections through sharing and a group activity. Technology, critical thinking skills, and creativity are taught through every discipline--literacy, mathematics, visual and performing arts, the sciences, and physical education. Our goal is to create life-long learners who use their knowledge and individual strengths and talents to fulfill their personal mission. We welcome visitors, volunteers, and questions. Please feel free to call or email us.
Littlebrook's staff and parents, in a positive, ongoing partnership, offer broad, deep, and integrated educational experiences to a diverse pupil population. Our integrated approach to education, which presents art, computers, health, language arts, library skills, mathematics, music, physical education, science, social studies, and world language through their connections rather than in isolation, is a hallmark of Littlebrook School. In our media center and classroom libraries we have collections of quality children's literature reflecting our commitment to diversity and multicultural values. Littlebrook students explore mathematics with concrete manipulatives that build concept understanding. The Social Studies program invites students to integrate reading and writing through the use of historical novels and other trade books, while the studies of geography and economics overlap with mathematics lessons. Our fifth graders become historians and hone their research skills by examining and analyzing primary documents such as the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Fourth graders experience hands-on learning at a 1900's New Jersey farm as part of New Jersey history, third graders re-live aspects of Colonial Princeton history, and second graders participate in a unit on communities that encompasses Princeton's multiple and diverse constituencies. Our first graders focus on Then and Now studies, learning about the olden days, and our kindergartners learn all about themselves and their families through songs and stories. In-class science instruction by the home-room teacher follows a standards-based district curriculum. This instruction is supplemented with inquiry-based instruction led by our science specialist who is skilled in the Next Generation Science Standards recently adopted by New Jersey. Our goal for all of our students is scientific literacy: the ability to understand, evaluate, and apply key science concepts and processes. Every year, we have artists and historians working with our students in science, social studies, storytelling, and music. In May, our PTO supports a Science Expo. Scientists from the Princeton area, many of them Littlebrook parents, present to children on their area of expertise. Each year, we also celebrate our ongoing relationship with local senior citizens, connecting generations with our kindergartners and their Grandpals reading together. Our school also participates in family activities with Family Creativity in the Arts evenings and Family Math evenings
Above all, our students, staff, and parents value the community of learners we have formed in our pursuit of academic excellence and the development of a sense of responsibility and respect for all. We believe that the social curriculum is as important as the academic curriculum and that children learn best in a setting where they are known and valued. Our beloved giraffe mascot, Ravioli, reminds us all of the importance of sticking our necks out for others by being caring and kind.
Littlebrook School's Mission
The central mission of Littlebrook School is to provide a learning environment that stimulates all aspects of the intellect and responds to the diverse needs of the entire school community. We believe that the best learning takes place in a setting that is secure, physically and emotionally. This learning takes place within a coherent, child-centered curriculum and with respect for a variety of teaching and learning styles. We are connected by our desire for our students to grow as learners and responsible members of our community. Our environment is a harmonious one in which there is mutual respect, caring, and support among students, staff, and parents.
Fast Factsabout LB Curriculum Arts, Technology, Health, Language Arts, Library Skills, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, World Languages Curriculum Enhancements Developmental Counseling, Accelerated Intervention Services, English as a Second Language, Special Education, Adaptive Physical Education, Speech and Language Correction, Occupational Therapy, Social Skills Training Enrichment ProgramsFamily Math Evenings, Family Creativity in the Arts Evenings, Service Learning Projects After-School Clubs(variesby season and year-to-year) Music After School, Chess, Math, Tennis, Spanish, Tae Kwon Do Special Programs Hands-on Science Labs, Garden Education, Artist-in-Residence Programs, International Night, Star Lab, Science Expo, Grandpals, Service Learning Student Enrollment 357 Student/Faculty Ratio 11:1
School Information
Littlebrook Elementary School
39 Magnolia Lane
Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone: 609.806.4250
Luis Ramirez