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English Language Arts

English and Language Arts

Our English Language Arts programs foster an appreciation of diverse literature, cultures, and ideas while improving students’ reading, writing, speaking and reasoning skills. Students explore canonical and non-canonical texts, a wide array of genres, and a variety of nonfiction selections.  The study of diverse literature helps students grow as global thinkers as they learn to recognize and understand the interconnectedness of our world. 

Throughout the K-12 continuum, teachers engage students in individual tasks, collaborative endeavors and problem-based approaches that enable our young people to share their perspectives, consider others' viewpoints and collaborate with their peers.  As students progress in their studies, they engage in increasingly complex textual and thematic analysis; they are also able to make interdisciplinary connections between the literary worlds they enter and their learning about art, science, history and cultures. 

We seek to empower our young people to become increasingly engaged and empathetic learners. A major goal of the Language Arts program is to cultivate students' intellectual curiosity and inquiry skills: we ask them to move beyond superficial responses and to instead challenge themselves and their peers in ways that will deepen their knowledge and understanding of literature and our world.



Keisha Smith-Carrington, Supervisor of Humanities (Grades 6-12)
609.806.4270 x 5620

Summer Assignments