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To learn more about changes relating to New Jersey's Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) procedures, our PPS Director of School Counseling, Dana Karas, interviewed HIB expert Alicia D'Anella, attorney at Parker McCay. To see the session, please click here.

Please provide some background information on the HIB Law and why after so many years a decision was made to make revisions? 00:05

What forms should be used when an allegation of HIB is reported? 10:13

Is the school still required to conduct an HIB investigation if a parent does not complete the form?  13:30

Will the Princeton Public Schools be making preliminary determinations of HIB? 15:11

What are the parameters for responding to first, second, and subsequent acts of HIB by a student? 18:28

Can you speak about some ways in which HIB is misunderstood? 24:13

Who should parents contact should they feel that their child is a victim of harassment, intimidation, and bullying? 31:35

What additional information is available for parents about the Anti Bullying Bill of Rights? 32.36

  • District News
  • HIB