Students, families, and staff, have successfully collected 1,745 books for BookSmiles!
Community Park News
Congratulations to Community Park for attaining certification through Sustainable Jersey!
Community Park would like to welcome new and returning students!
Please join us for a Spring Choir Concert, featuring the 4th and 5th Grade Choirs on Tuesday, April 16 a6 6:30 PM in the Community Park gym. Free Admission. All are welcome!
CP Celebrates Dia De Los Muertos
Community Park School is very excited to announce the successful completion of the year-long Outdoor Mural Collaboration project.
The CP 3rd Grade Residency project culiminated in an event for parents to visit to view the papier mache Alebrijes with their students and to learn more about the history and significance of these amazing works of art. Thank you to resident artist Veronica Olivares-Weber, Sra. Figueroa, Ms. McDaniel, Sra. Clemens and the parent volunteers who helped make the event such a treat for families.
At Community Park, third, fourth, and fifth graders participated in a “Coping Skills Café” facilitated by Mrs. Marmo, the School Psychologist and Mrs. Troxell, the Speech and Language Therapist.
Families of rising Pre-K through 2nd grade students are invited to a special information session to learn about Princeton Public School’s Dual Language Immersion program in English and Spanish at Community Park Elementary School. Community Park is accepting applications for students in preK, Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2. The program is open to all PPS families.
Community Park School held its annual STEAM Expo on Friday, April 28 and it was a huge success!
Sponsored by the CP PTO and coordinated by parent Chris Santarpio, CP students circulated through 20-minute presentations on 19 different STEAM topics, from Fusion v. Fission to Making Bubbles, Bacteria, Yum or Bum to Creepy Crawly Critters, Making Music to Meet Your Brain, and many more!
Congratulations to all the fourth and fifth grade students who participated in Continental Math League!
Community Park students recently honored the tradition of many Central American cultures by creating sand art "alfombras."
Kudos to the fifth graders at Community Park for their amazing performance of William Shakespeare's The Tempest. The CP students worked with professionals from McCarter Theater to create a magical performance. The experience was enhanced by beautiful Tempest-themed art work (in Spanish and English) decorating the hallway. The students did character studies, drawings of costumes with annotations in Spanish, letters in character, and clever dioramas that added richness to the theater experience.
El programa de Inmersión Dual de Lenguas de Community Park está abierto a todos los estudiantes que ingresen a kindergarten y primer grado de PPS.
The CP Dual Language Immersion program is open to all PPS incoming Kindergarten and 1st grade students. Families who are registering a child for Kindergarten for Fall 2023 and are interested in the DLI program should indicate their interest on the online registration “Form H, Home Language Survey” page.
It is the perfect week for students and staff to enjoy the Winter Lights at Community Park!