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What does QUEST look like

in Grades 3-5?

In third, fourth, and fifth grades, a universal screening process using multiple assessment measures is used to identify individuals that are eligible for our Tier 2 and Tier 3 pull-out services. The identification process is designed to highlight student strengths in areas of academic achievement, cognitive ability, and task commitment. 

Our chosen identification measures are carefully chosen and weighted to be:

  • Equitable
  • Diverse
  • Comprehensive
  • Culturally, linguistically, and 2e sensitive

A closer look at the identification process

All data for identification of QUEST Tier 2 and 3 services is collected in the Fall, except CogAT which is administered in the Spring before placement. Parents of identified students will be notified once the identification process is complete and services will begin in October. There will be an additional CogAT testing window in the fall for new PPS students enrolled over the summer.

The following identification measures will be used to identify students eligible for Tier 3 services in the 2024-2025 school year:

Once the identification process is complete, parents of identified students will receive a letter informing them of their child's offered services and will be asked to provide consent for services. Enrolled students will receive services for that school year. The identification process will occur annually. This means that your child is not guaranteed QUEST services every year.


Twice Exceptional (2e) Learners

The NAGC defines twice exceptional learners as students "who are both gifted and disabled. These students may also be referred to as having dual exceptionalities or as being gifted with learning disabilities (GT/LD). This also applies to students who are gifted with ADHD or gifted with autism." 

Princeton's identification process for QUEST students is universal and gives learners with IEPs and 504 Plans equal opportunity for services. Identification measures of potential 2e students will be closely reviewed to determine the best educational plan for meeting their gifted and talented needs. Because the circumstances surrounding 2e students often differ from students without learning disabilities, services will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Program Exit Procedures

In some circumstances, students found eligible for QUEST services do not always prove to be the right fit for the program. Discontinuation of services may occur as a result of any of the following:

  • Failure or inability to meet regular classroom expectations
  • Failure or inability to meet QUEST program expectations
  • Reluctance to participate in QUEST program

Exit from the program can be initiated by classroom teacher, QUEST teacher, or parent. After an exit request is made, a review meeting will be held with appropriate stakeholders and one of the following decisions will be made:

  • The student will remain in the program
  • The student will take a leave of absence from the program
  • The student will leave the program for the remainder of the school year