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A Multi-Tiered System of Support

A multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) framework has a tiered infrastructure that uses data to help match academic and social-emotional behavior assessment and instructional resources to each student’s needs.

multi-tiered system of support

QUEST Tier 1 Services

Tier 1 services reach all students in the classroom. Ongoing assessments that identify each student's strengths and areas for improvement are continuously utilized to plan lessons with differentiated instruction. Students will receive small group and individualized instruction based on their specific needs in content areas that cover multiple intelligences.

QUEST Tier 1 services include:

  • Math Workshop instruction model
  • Reading and Writing Workshop instruction model
  • i-Ready Learning Pathways
  • Cycle classes including STEAM, Garden, Spanish, Art, Music, and Library 
  • Enrichment opportunities offered through STEAM teachers
  • Building residencies


QUEST Tier 2 Services

Tier 2 services reach students that exhibit elevated levels of academic achievement and would benefit from additional educational opportunities to bridge the gap between services provided in the classroom and their intellectual potential.

QUEST Tier 2 Services include:

  • Push-in, small group activities with the QUEST teacher upon the classroom teacher's request (grades K-2)
  • Enrichment cycles offered by STEAM teachers (grades 3-5)
  • Pull-out, small group instruction with QUEST teacher once every 4-5 weeks (grades 3-5)
  • Continental Math League (grades 4 & 5)
  • Scripps Spelling Bee (grades 1-5)
  • QUEST and classroom teacher collaboration to support student needs


QUEST Tier 3 Services

Tier 3 services reach students that exhibit gifted behaviors and require intensive intervention to satisfy their learning needs. These students fall within the top 3-5% of their grade level for a blend of high academic achievement, cognitive ability, and task commitment.​

QUEST Tier 3 Services include:

  • Pull-out, small group instruction with QUEST teacher once a week (grades 3-5)
  • QUEST and classroom teacher collaboration to support student needs (all grades)