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FAQ: Elementary Report Cards


Frequently Asked Questions: Elementary Report Cards

What are standards-based report cards?

A standards-based report card describes a child’s learning based on district curricula and end-of-year grade-level expectations aligned to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS). Standards-based grading focuses on progress toward mastery of essential grade-level standards in each discipline.

What is the purpose of a standards-based progress report?

The purpose of this type of report card is to provide parents with a clear picture of their child’s achievement toward key grade-level content and performance targets. These targets, reflecting the student-learning standards adopted by New Jersey, have been identified as particularly important for students’ success as they continue through school. A standards-based report provides parents with accurate, consistent, meaningful, and supportive information about their child’s current learning.

What is the scoring rubric for this report card structure?

3 - Meeting End of Year Learning Standards The student consistently and independently demonstrates an understanding and application of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level.

2 - Progressing Consistently Towards End of Year Learning Standards The student consistently demonstrates progress towards an understanding of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level with teacher support.

1 - Progressing Inconsistently Towards End Of Year Learning Standards The student inconsistently demonstrates progress towards an understanding of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level with extensive teacher support.

Grayed Out - Not Assessed At This Time

When a child earns a “Meeting Learning Standards/3,” they have consistently met that standard’s end of year expectations. Most students will be “Approaching/2” throughout the school year. This means they are on track to meeting end of year grade level expectations. A “2” is the expectation in Trimester 1 and 2.

How often will I receive a report card for my child?

Written progress reports will be distributed three times a year. This is in addition to two scheduled parent-teacher conferences. These five touch-points are intended to provide parents with information about their children’s growth over the course of the school year